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tv   Fast Money Halftime Report  CNBC  February 6, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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will be a very tough road ahead. >> to say the least. >> yes, to say the least. that was the most interesting point and it gives me a flashback last year when he gave us guidance too optimistic and had to pull back. i would say that's a bit of a leap of faith. >> james, i would like your view on that. he talks about vision driven ideas, getting rid of the older customer, going with someone knew and affluent, young and affluent. at the same time, he can't get way from the conversation about the revolver and whether they have enough cash in the next year or two. your thoughts? >> they do seem to be using a lot of cash. he was very confident pentagon ab -- confident being able to self-fund the transformation and key to whether they attract new customers. as far as comp sales issues, he is coming up against significantly softer comps this year and you may see growth. antidotally we heard their
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holiday period was pretty good and were able to attract new customers and get some traction. >> finally, stacy, i wouldn't call it a potshot but a shot across the bow the shorts saying investors these days try to make money in what he called short artificial ways. deserved or not? >> i think that's -- that's the environment. there will be short term investors looking at this stock. he wants us to focus on long term. the short term reality is comps are down 30 something percent probably this quarter. the short term is what we have to look at. >> fascinating stuff today. thank you very much for your insight. we'll talk to you later. let's get back to headquarters and the halftime. carl thank you very much.
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we go to the halftime show. the dow is down a point. one market watcher says the s&p will drop 200 points this year. he'll tell you why coming up. coffee talk, green mountain earnin earnings. up 52% this year. we'll talk to our late traders and the shares of apple up as much as 2% with creditors crediting it on legend mu tall fund bill miller and we're talking with others. what kind of activity are you seeing otherwise in shares of apple? >> it was pretty normal, which means tepid in the first hour of trading even though this was a very active trading stock and option class. the first hour traded 80,000 calls. then, all of a sudden, people started throwing out a rumor judge tim cook had said
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something at a goldman sachs conference. you and i ran it down, they don't speak at that conference until the 12th of next week. then people started focusing whether or not it was miller's comments to the "financial times." by then, the stock spiked 53 to 65, that's 453 to 465, bang. in that second period. in that stock trading regular session, it traded more than double the amount than the first hour. people were willing to jump on this thing. we want to point out to folks it wasn't tim cook sayanything, it was mr. miller who apparently spoke to the "financial times" yesterday and that interview published overnight. the people that basically played on this rumor wrote it very quickly and then got off. they rode it quickly and then got off. >> it had a high of $705.
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miller, one of the most respected voices within the mutual fund universe. he's had spectacular hits and perhaps more recent lin his investing career, spectacular misses as well and those shouldn't be missed. he does favor apple. >> most of is sitting at the desk here have favored apple. fundamentally there's nothing wrong with apple and nothing wrong at 700. we were talking about the technicals, once it broke through specific labels, it was time to stay away until it can prove itself. they sold 48 million iphones. we know the numbers they went through and know there's a bit of margin compression issues and different storylines. the reasons we're seeing this move, talking about the 465 level, we start to close above that for multiple sessions maybe apple trades back on that fundamental story, monstrous cash, love the stock and love
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what they've got innovative-wise going forward. >> monstrous cap understatement, a third of it is in cash, they have what, $37 billion sitting there and speculation what to do with it is nothing new, raise the dividend, buy back shares? do you think they will do either? that could be the next catalyst to raise this stock higher and restore investor confidence. >> yes. we will know that february 27th when they have the shareholder meeting. we had the professor on. i think he did an excellent job highlighting what pete is talking about. >> he said fair value, 600 bucks. >> bill miller, he will be right and wrong. >> he's been right more than wrong. >> not over the last few years. >> not over the last few years. >> but there was a great car if you go back. >> let's not make this about bill miller.
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>> bill miller spent a large portion of his career beating the hell out of the market. >> does the technical picture change for apple? you have that gap down post earnings between 462 and 465. it appears the market wants to stabilize there. technically, you have to tell better about that. tomorrow, apple trades x dividends and should lend support to the stock. >> can apple shares get back on track without a move on the dividend or a buyback? >> yes. actually, that would be a short term move. what they need is a completely new product portfolio coming out. look what's happened since apple has ascended. you have a company that had the smartphone market basically alone to themselves in terms of cutting edge technology and growth. now you have a company with 5-year-old technology margins on iphones a dominant part of
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revenue and earnings twice what the competition is but we have great competition. that's where they have to go. if they don't come out with a new iphone or something killer you see the stock -- but they just declared their dividend january 23rd, to think they will come out now, we're increasing it. >> you mentioned product portfolio, you're not expecting them to come out with a new product in the near term, isn't it? isn't that asking too much? >> they're a technology company. >> do they just snap their fingers and come out with new products? >> i don't think you snap your fingers. if you look what tim cook said, there's a whole pipeline of new products. bring it out. the iphone is five years old. you need to refresh. i don't mean to add memory like the picayune thing with iphone going 128 gig.
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that won't do anything. you can do it on the cloud. we'll follow that story, tick cook speaking in san francisco at the technology conference. likely to be a lot of speculation ahead of that. we're talking deals now. liberty global to buy virgin media giving them access to the largest cable market. david with a first cnbc interview. >> thanks. this deal creates the largest single cable company in the world surpassing our own parent comcast, cash and stock worth about $47.87. liberty global shares down a bit. let's bring in mike freese, president and ceo, to talk about the enormous deal announced late yesterday in the united states. you also nice to see you,
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michael. why not have done it a couple years ago speculating liberty global might have been interested in buying this company some time back. it was a lot cheaper then than now. >> timing is everything. it would have been nice but stars hadn't aligned at this point. our stocks up, financing markets very healthy and the seller was willing. as with all deals of this size and nature, you do it and it worked out. >> you mentioned the financing markets. at the end of the day, you're using a lot more stock opposed to cash. why that decision to go with stock opposed to cash in the administer willing financing markets? >> it's about a 35-60 split, attempt to balance the key lever advantage, the amount of delusion we were comfortable with and making sure virgin shareholders were satisfied with
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the cash in the deal, creating the right blend, it worked well. >> liberty global grew in time and worked quite well and germany greatly aided top line growth. some saying virgin is not growing as fast as the germany cable companies you bought and you might be setting yourself up for slow growth. >> this is about building scale. our business thrives on scale and always has and always will. second, about organic growth. we look at the virgin business compared to ours, it's complementary. i would argue it enhances our cash flow the next several years for a number of reasons. it brings us great scale and complements our organic growth and critical for stock buybacks. we have done about 9 billion
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stock buybacks in the last six or seven years and announced we will do another 3.5 stock b buybacks for the combined group. >> funny, you mention stock buybacks, i look at a shares and k shares, a great divergence. why that large a spread of vote ing and non-voting at this point and would you target one or the other when you look at buybacks again? >> we look at both and don't think there should be a spread of that size. they both represent an economic interest of equal value. we buy back stock everyday and buying it back today and there's fewer k shares than a shares if you look at the shares outstanding. >> a lot has been made of potential competition you're bringing to bskyb in the uk? is that a significant competitor that should be concerned about
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this new combination. >> they have done a fantastic job in the uk market. that market is more ration than people look at it. you look at sky and virgin, they're at a point price stability are really the paramount factors. while it has been hectic in the past we think the market is rational and stable today and plenty to go around. >> i think today is a big day for you, big birthday or am i misinformed? >> my 50th birthday and rather be receiving $3 billion than spending it. >> as long as it's not reflection. >> no. i wouldn't let that happen. >> okay to being deluded down to 26% on the combined vote? >> he is. i was just in his office and very happy with the deal. mike, appreciate your time today, mike fries.
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shares of green mountain have climb 15% this year but will tonight's earnings announcement halt the coffee growth or does it have more to run. 90 seconds are on the clock. weiss, you're up. >> doc, i want to make you money. they will report a good quarter and good news is kelly, new ceo from coke talk about his vision for the future. we used to see bed bath and beyond their largest customer over 11%. they're not there anymore. why? walmart is there. distribution channels picking up, talk about the contracts expiring between starbucks and dunkin. and by the way, they're the only one worth buying. >> i love kelly and worth buying. i love the stock because of that. it's out-performed because of
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that. there are rumors they might be included in the s&p 500, i don't pay any attention to that. kelly has to address whether the sales slipped again. they were down 39% for over a year for the k cups when they lost exclusivity. and stocks could be going down. >> forecasters say growth is higher. go out a year and a half and you're up 22% for fiscal 15. >> if they can squeeze the shorts, yes. >> people not knowing the story, only focusing on the fact ihorn may be there or not. my bet is this stock goes higher tomorrow and you say, steve, you're right. >> last word to you, doc. >> i'm hoping i won't have to say steve, you're right, something i haven't done before and hoping this won't be the first time. >> and now twho made the more
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compelli compelling argument? >> the doc did. too much risk on green mountain coffee. if i want my coffee trade will look at sjm or starbucks. >> since the beginning of january nearly 250 stocks in s&p 500 have hit newhighs, many names you probably have in your portfolios. we will trade some names and put them on the wall. have a look at these names. which stocks have hit new highs. >> jpmorgan, one of the names we talked about. i think this name will be in the 50s before you blink and will happen very soon. we had a debate on netflix. i think it is on its way towards 200. on its way now, $183. i know there's a big short and part of why it's moving up the way it is. i realize it was under 100
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before earnings but i think it has 200 written all over it. >> goldman sachs, picking up incredible amounts of market share. i think there will be layoffs possibly at two competitors not at goldman. p & g is another one, a cheap stock, i think a quality compan company. >> fedex, give me fedex. >> i like fedex. with the post office burning through $20 million a day, we know they can't deliver the promise they were supposed to which they will still deliver packages over the weekend but fedex put a knife in the post office. fedex and u.p.s. will own that package space. >> halliburton. >> an energy name continues to move well, focused higher. i'm more focused on disney acceleration of the story and
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estimate as to low. film park attractions solid and film studio looks good. goldman sachs is number one in m m & a after advising on the dell transaction. >> anything that's had a great run, you have to make that tough decision whether to hang on to it or get rid of it. what else jumps out? >> one of the other decisions i've been pounding the table for a while, take some off as far as the stock is concerned and buy something to the upside in case there is more and you want to hold them to the next level. we can see it almost every day financials specifically, morg
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mortga sa sachs. >> i'm bullish on the market and willing to step up to stocks on their highs. >> nobody touchesesttouchesest estee lauder. you can have coach on one side and maybe ralph? anybody surprised at ralph? sn>> i noticed his makeup baguetting baguette i -- makeup bag is getting hard to carry. >> i don't know about that. kidding they've done an outstanding job. >> it's a brand. there's consistency there, brands work. ralph has a tremendous franchise y ubiquitous, out there and i would continue to buy them. >> they don't let losers sit for too long on their shelves. by that i mean rugby, a loser
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they launched. they closed all the rugby stores, forget about it, we're writing the whole thing off at once and did that in a matter of a month and why ralph lauren is doing good. >> the technical picture has been changed. folks are seeing it up at 182 1/2ish, the street has this the wrong way, estimates are low. >> some of dell's biggest shareholders are speaking out over the decision to go private. richard pzena, who owns 5% of outstanding shares says he'll vote no and prices are unreasonable and should be in the 20s. i spoke to don yacktmam said it will be a bitter pill to swallow for some investors and refused to tell me which way he will vote his shares. >> what do you think? >> why this is very interesting to me, yesterday, the options
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market, the calls were bought, not just a little bit. 40,000 traded. if the deal done at $13.65 or if they hold out and boost up a little higher, those 14 calls and 40 some odd,000 bought yesterday. >> i got out at 14 and i'm not patting myself on the back for this. i have more losers. >> you think it will get kicked up? >> i wouldn't take the risk. i understand what pete is saying. i would zero in on hewlett-packard and wonder if they will fall arounded a get that type of structural turn around yahoo! did last year and dell doing it now. dell did it but hewlett-packard has to do something. >> i think it's the only way they survive, quite frankly. i don't think they survive if
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they stay a publicly traded company. >> what can they really do as a private company they can't do in the public spotlight? >> they have to meet quarterly numbers under u.s. law to be a security to trade. that's what's killing them. they can't make the big spend without the street saying forget it, they're doing a jcpenney here. all in bet. >> distinguishing between a stock and company. the company can survive better because they won't be refer vaged like they will be after the deal. if you bring hewlett-packard, the last i looked at public holdings, that was a good position. i don't think the stock goes higher without competing. >> if you bought the stock, right, somebody watching the show, probably more than one has held dell some time. maybe they bought it five or ten
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years ago. they sat and watched the stock go down and now dell wants to take the company private at that price. >> sold with both hands. >> in the past, it's not where you've got it where the market revalues security on fundamentals right now. >> for the guy riding the stock down. >> you're an angry person if you invested with michael dell other than your 2% dividend he hasn't ne a for you but the last six months. you'd ride this thing into the ground if you're one of those folks. that's not what you want to do with your investments, cut the loss and move hon. it will come back but a year or three years down the line. coming back, precious metal play, not gold or silver. one year after jcpenney ron
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johnson explained his turnaround strategy, shares are still down. is there any reason to buy that stock now? how do traders using technical analysis streamline their process? at fidelity, we do it by merging two tools into one. combining your customized charts with leading-edge analysis tools from recognia so you can quickly spot key trends and possible entry and exit points. we like this idea so much that we've applied for a patent. i'm colin beck of fidelity investments. our integrated technical analysis is one more innovative reason
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serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. all your important legal matters in just minutes. protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. at 1:45, the aflac duck was brought in
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with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. so, if the duck isn't able to work, how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car payments? aflac. what about gas and groceries? aflac. cell phone? aflac, but i doubt he'll be using his phone for quite a while
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cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a get-well card at hi. welcome back to the "fast money" "halftime report." first up, on the wall jcpenney is lower following ceo ron johnson's exclusive interview marking the one year anniversary of his turnaround strategy. >> i believe we will return to profit this year. i think it will be easier when we complete this home transformation. we're adding about 30 shops to our stores. by the middle of the year nearly 30% of the stores will be
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transform transformed. when that happens, i think people will see the new jcpenney. >> forgive the skepticism but is there any reason jcpenney will return to growth? >> no. i'm tired of that he didn't pop the stock when he spoke. amounts are estimating you will still lose money. i hate to break this to you, ron. the world is not standing still while you're changing your stores because the market leaders and macy's and others out there doing the same thing. if you own jcpenney hanging onto the dream. i'd sell it, still going down to ten bucks. >> at some point, do you have to entertain the question whether ron will be running the company in another year? >> i don't think he will be. he sold his stock about six months ago, nine months ago rat
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much higher prices. i don't think he'll be there nor do i think he should? >> maybe you will be. >> stranger things have happened. >> xbox not allowing for second-hand games. >> this is why you're seeing a monster short position developed in this stock, almost 50% of the company is on the short side. this is a slight pullback from the highs, not far off. i expect to see a lot further down-side of what could happen with the xbox. >> joe, what's going on? with chipotle. this is where i would get out. i think the rubber chicken meets the road where 34% of the costs are food costs. they need to raise the prices and will slow traffic. i think they were able to surprise on the upside with the buyback in this quarter. same-store sales will not react sell rate to what we saw in
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previous years. with starbucks and panera. >> not panera but cmg. >> chip polt ly. >> we said, take a look at it. $70 plus off that. that's a nice bounce. >> the latest bullish sign for stocks might be found in platinum. the a metal is hitting a four month high. jackie deangelis joins us now with more on that. >> good afternoon, scott. that's right. platinum is the best performing metal so far in 2014, up more than 11% this year alone. what's driving that run-up and do we expect it to continue. jim and anthony in new york city. what's fueling this rally? give us perspective. >> platinum is a good indicator how the industrial markets are doing.
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66% of all platinum mind is used in industry. auto number one, jewelry, number two and turbine engines for airplanes. it is showing you there is strength in the auto industry and airplane and jewelry business. a good indicator and usually in a good economy, platinum will o out-perform gold. >> why are traders watching it. what does it tell them? >> first, i only agree with half of what he just said. the platinum scenario is important for the stocks to do well, pretty decent global growth but nothing to write home about. platinum does a little bit better when the china story looks like it could pop with momentum. an excellent indicator from the stock market but not just the growth side of it. >> if you had to pick one metal for 2013, flat numb, gold or
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silver? >> i'm looking at platinum. it is $5 from its all time high and gold closer to that. i think it can make that move quicker and usually out-performs gold. what about you, log onto and vote. futuresn >> apple spiking at the half, any thoughts as to what is changing behind today's move. later legendary investor, byron wien throwing cold water on this rally and find out how low he thinks stocks could go. come on, nowadays lots of people go by themselves.
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no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight. ♪ ♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! ♪ [ howls ] ♪
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makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. we want to get right back to our top story, that was apple's sudden midday spike. what's behind the move. glenn is joining us on the
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phone. welcome back. glad to have you on. >> thanks. >> is this a bill miller spike? >> i think they will increase the dividend. last year was the first time they did it. these companies like to make the dividend increase a regular event. let me make one point. in the last two quarters apple payout ratio was 25%. in order to maintain that based on our estimates or 2013 they have to either increase the buyback or raise the dividend. >> why now would the market be jumping on that? >> i'm not sure. frankly, it's something conjecture ed the last few daysr weeks. i'm not sure what's spiking it today. we are in the quarter they announced it last year, in the ballpark time frame. not sure why today but generally speaking this is this time one would think about it. >> is there another catalyst you can think of other than div hike
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or buyback to get the shares going. you're among the analyst community that cut the price. >> yeah. we downgraded the stock in december as well. we're definitely not one of the 50-something bull for the stock at the moment. they are speaking at a competitor conference next week and may be something people are focused on. beyond that, more important ly they need to come up with interesting new products. we anticipate lower end iphone coming in the third quarter and that may be what's necessary, the iphone 5s in the second quarter. >> you're more rm familifamiliae circuit than i am. is it possible you can get an announcement from cook ahead of it because he will likely be asked about it? >> i can't say to be perfectly honest. i have no real sense of that.
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it's possible to avoid the question by answering it ahead of time. i don't see it happening. >> thanks for jumping on the phone. an interesting move whatever the catalyst is. >> and nikkei hitting its highest levels in more than four years today giving a boost 0 other aquities. the japanese hedge fund equity is jumping 11%, up again dye. toyota is getting a nice look today as well. does this mean it's too late to get in on the japan trade? dennis is here. welcome. nice to see you in-house. japan making its biggest moves today. what's going on. >> they're talking about money, pushing the yen down.ums that had a huge boost on automobile sales and
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profitability from japanese corporations internationally and abroad. you continue to see the yen move higher, would i chase a market up 3% in one day. i wouldn't chase it today. if you have an outlook for five years you want to own it, for five day, probably not. >> what do you think it does? continues? >> absolutely. when i started turning bearish on the yen and bullish on the dollars, aussie, canada, four months ago people laughed. i think we will see the dollar trade i trading up to 1.50 over the next four or five years. when i grew up in the business trade i trading, and to visualize the yen to the dollar, that's not that much. to everybody else, it sounds like a preposterous move.
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i think that's easily done. >> if joe is correct and the yen slide continues a trade on japanese for toyota is -- >> long. i think it's interesting. >> the price benefit. >> you saw that in earnings and guidance for toyota. it's almost become a proxy of the anti-japan story, you have folks i talked to in the hedge fund community saying, we don't believe the appreciation in japanese equities will continue. how are we playing it? we won't short the index, toyota motors and makes no sense. >> i know you will come back and give us the final trade as well. see you in a bit. legendary investor byron wien with a big pull back. how low does he think stocks will go? find out. and info on stocks so you can make your next move. ♪
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we've been waiting here all day for you to arrive. at the top of the hour one of the energy top analysts. he will tell you his plays on the sector as gasoline prices are on the rise. forget about profits, we will tell you what really keeps the ceos up at night. what do they worry about? and an inside look at the exclusive world of venture capitalism and one fine stay in the hot seat and we will ask you are you in or out, our power pitch at the top of the hour. >> all right. see you in 15 minutes. as the dow flirts with new highs, one of the investment strategists is throwing hot water on it. byron wien, nice to see you on half-time. >> nice to see you. >> are you sur pride the market
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has done as well as it has this first part of the year? >> absolutely. the market has been much stronger than i thought it would be. it has started positively because we took actions on the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling. we only took temporary action, not like these two problems are going away and will hit us in the spring and the market seems to be oblivious here. >> you're looking for the s&p to drop 200 points in the first half of the year. >> i'm still doing that. the market started with people complacent and now almost euphoric. everybody you have on the program thinks the market is going higher. the market, when it has a good january has a great year. a general feeling of counterfeit and we hacounterfeit -- of comfort and we have a lot of hurdles to get over. a 2% pay cut and taxes going up
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on upper brackets. there are other taxes put in place and the debt ceiling will be dealt with. that will be a big battle between entitlement cuts and raising the debt ceiling. i think all these issues will bear on the market when people are very enthusiastic about it. i think this market is vulnerable. >> interesting to date, with all the noise in the market, stocks have been able to put on pretty good ear plugs. >> that's often the case. you've been around long enough. sometimes the market sloughs off bad news until it doesn't. >> that's for sure. >> how about your earnings forecast? 100 bucks, less than many people on the street are expecting. how does that mesh with the fact you're coming off a pretty good earnings season. expectations have come down but
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two-thirds of the companies have beaten. >> two-thirds of companies have beaten but you look at a chart of expectations, they're coming down. earnings expectations are rolling over and performance is coming down. the s&p has been able to earn $25 or better a quarter. i think we will see quarters $23. i don't think the market is prepared for that. >> byron, a quick question redpar redpar regarding that payroll tax issue and whether people anticipated that, you're looking for it to hit. you don't think people started pricing that in knowing it was coming on them and any cutbacks already made so they're not waiting now to cut back? >> i think it will sink in. there's a certain momentum that comes out of the fourth quarter when the first 2% payroll tax hits your paycheck, you don't really react to it, but it comes
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later on, higher gasoline prices could be a factor. at the upper income, the top 20% of income owners account for 40% of consumer spending and i think they will be affect by the new taxes. >> interesting, your sector picks, areas you think will be winners don't sound like they would traditionally come from a guy with a bearish take where stocks go. i get the pharmaceuticals but technology and commodities aren't traditional safety plays, if you will. >> no. but they're motivated by other considerations. in the case of commodities, i think the climate changes are resulting in crop failures and the developing world is continuing to improve its standard of living, so therefore there's going to be more demand and presumably less supply. usually prices go up. in the case of gold, you've been
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talking on this program about continuous monetary expansion. the dollar is being debased on a continuous basis. so is the euro and the yen. when you have the major currencies of the world being debased, gold ought to do well. gold doesn't do well when stocks are doing well. the gold forecast thinking gold can go higher is consistent with my concern in the equity market. >> if you like technology given where apple is right suspect yo apple is close to a bottom? >> i do. but catching a falling knife is a dangerous practice. but i'm a believer in apple. i'm looking for a buying opportunity. but i have to tell you, i haven't dipped in yet. >> i know the folks who saw you on futures now, appreciated that and we love what you say today on your view on the markets. byron, thanks for talking to
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you. >> okay, i'll be back. >> we have plays on stocks that you asked for on twitter when "halftime" comes back in two minutes.
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it is time now for a trade update. a couple weeks back, here is what the doctor had to say. >> what the ceo said about
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china, 400 million is what he is looking in sales for in china as well as men. he thinks the sales to men go up about 60%. if we break through 50, down to 49, i'm a buyer. >> look where we are. >> we did get down and i bought a very small position so far. >> one share? >> we traded down a couple thousand shares. but it traded down to 4824 or something like that. i didn't buy anywhere near that bottom. but with it trading right here, i am along the stock and i do like the way it held in here. we had that big wash out when weiss and i were talking about it. steven generously allowed me some air time. >> something you disputed over there. >> no wab that was after the drop. when it dropped down to 50. i say you wait until it breaks 50 to buy it. now that it has, i have. >> okay. when you the viewers ask, we deliver with trade on stocks
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lighting up my twitter feed lately. >> weiss, what do you do with the name? >> i like freeport. it has come back quickly since the changing acquisition. however i still think that used to be the proxy for copper and i would much rather play southern copper which has big fat yield and which i think will attract more money as the emon my improves. >> somebody asked me about yahoo! what do you tell them? >> i think you tell them that dab loeb lightened up by 11 million shares but he had 72 or 73 million. still has 62 million. i think you will still like it. marisa mayor is contributing to optimism that returned. it is not a two-horse race but they are certainly catching up and i think yahoo! has more room to run. >> pete, despite the fact you've probably eaten an entire box of
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cereal for breakfast, what do you think. >> it is still fair, even though pushing on 52-week highs. this is one of the stocks when everybody is looking for something defensive. it gives you 3% yield but i think they continue to win n inside of the grocers and i think this name goes higher. >> are you the count chocula guy? >> no, that's a sugar cereal. i'm a healthy guy. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account.
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